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ET:QW Linux Demo out TODAY

ltmon's picture


Fuzz's picture


Retail better wait until after midnight. I made a foolish promise to switch to Linux for a month if retail came out today. 5 mins later out of the blue the demo came. Almost gave me a heart attack.

Still good news!

chipper's picture

at long last!!!!

it has arrived

badman wrote:
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Linux Client Released
Submitted by badman on Fri, 2007-10-19 19:27.

I’ll keep this short and sweet, since a lot of folks have been waiting for this: Hot on the heels of the Linux demo, id Software’s penguin wrangler Timothy ‘TTimo’ Besset has just released the full Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Linux Client! You can download the Linux Client from the mirrors below:…. for Enemy Territory : Quake Wars GNU/Linux FAQ

ltmon's picture

Installing it now...

I’ll unfortunately be busy most of today and tonight, but hopefully will get a good game in tomorrow some time.

Fuzz's picture

IPX reunited!

Finally! Can’t wait to have a game with all of you. Good luck with installing.

Ltmon – you didn’t stay up all night for it did you?

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